Skip Bo

Skip Bo Rules

Skip Bo is a card game for 2 to 6 players. Here are all the rules to help you enjoy this game.


The following items are required to play Skip-Bo:

  • Three packs of 54 cards (numbered 1-12 and Skip-Bo cards for each pack)
  • Two to six players.


  • Shuffle the three packs of cards well.
  • Deal between 10 and 30 cards, face down, to each player. The length of the game will depend on the number of cards dealt to each player.
  • The remaining cards will be used as a deck and placed in the center of the table.
  • The cards dealt to each player will form their respective pile.


Aim of the game

The aim of Skip-Bo is to make a sequence number from 1 to 12. The first player to get rid of all the cards in their pile wins the game.

The rows of cards are common for all players.

 These rows of cards are the objectives to be reached and there must be only four piles. All players take turns placing their cards in a row of their choice until they reach number 12. Each player can place as many cards as they wish in the rows of their choice, as long as they can still make up a sequence from 1 to 12.

Please note!

At the very beginning of the game, there will not yet be a row of cards. The first player to play will create the first row (they can start a row with a number of their choice). The next player can continue to play in the first row or create a new row. If there are no playable cards in the first row of cards, they can create a new row and so on for the other players. The four rows of cards must each form a sequence of cards from 1 to 12. If a row reaches the number 12, the players must remove it, shuffle it with the deck, and create a new row from a card in the deck. A player can create up to four rows if none of the other players need to do so. A player is obligated to create a row if the cards in their deck are not playable or simply if it is a strategy they adopt.

The discard piles

Each player has a maximum of four rows of face-up discard piles, which are placed next to the face-down pile. If you don’t have any cards to play or if you don’t want to put any cards down, you can put cards in the discard pile. Each row of discard piles can contain as many cards as you wish. Please note! For every row of discard piles that contains two or more cards, you must always play the first card on top. For example, you have cards 6, 8, and 9 in one row of your discard piles (card 8 is on top of 6 and card 9 is on top of 8). You cannot play card 8 until you have played card 9. You cannot play card 6 until you have played card 8.

Skip Bo cards or wild cards

Skip-Bo cards have the power to replace any card of your choice. When you make a sequence of cards in a row of your choice and a card is missing, you can replace it with a Skip-Bo card.

How the game is played

  • All players must turn over the first card in their respective piles face up.
  • Choose the first player to start the game.
  • This player must draw five cards.
  • They choose a card from their deck (from the five cards they have just drawn or the first card turned over from their pile).
  • This card will be placed next to the deck (a card numbered 1 to 12) and constitute the first row (four rows maximum).
  • This player can play as many cards as they want (making up a sequence of cards) and when they have finished, they pass the turn to the next player on their left.
  • The next player in turn draws five cards and can continue in the first ro

Please note!

  At the beginning of a round, all players must always have five cards in hand. If in your previous turn, you played three cards, then in your next turn, you must draw three cards to form five before playing. When a player has played all five cards in their hand during their turn, they must draw another five cards. All players must always play at least one card when it is their turn. If you do not have any playable cards on your turn, you must either create a new row (if the number of rows is not yet four) or place it in one of the discard piles. When you play the first card from your face-down pile, you must always turn over the card underneath it.

End of the game

When a player has managed to get rid of all the cards in their face-down pile first, they win the game.