
Hanabi rules

Hanabi or Fireworks is a cooperative game for 2 to 5 players, from 8 years old. The players play as fireworkers who have mixed up the rockets for their big fireworks show a few minutes before the launch. They must then help each other to reach a common goal: to make sure that the show goes on as planned.

Game content

  • 50 Hanabi cards,
  • 3 red tokens,
  • 8 blue tokens,
  • 5 multicolored cards,
  • 1 storage box,
  • 1 rule booklet.

Goal of the game.

  • Players will have the common goal of making the show a success.
  • To do so, they must compose 5 fireworks of 5 different colors (blue, red, green, yellow and white).
  • To compose a firework, they must create a sequence of 5 cards (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) of the same color.

Set up.

  • Put the blue tokens on the lid of the box.
  • Place the red tokens next to them.
  • Arrange the multi-colored cards.
  • Shuffle and mix the Hanabi cards.
  • Cards are dealt according to the number of players:
Numbers of playersCards dealt
2 or 35
4 or 54
  • Attention. The player cannot look at his hand; the cards are turned toward his teammates.
  • The player with the most colorful clothes starts.
  • Play clockwise.

How is a round played?

  • It is not allowed to skip a turn.
  • The player has the choice of one of the following 3 actions:
    – Give a piece of information,
    Discard a card,
    – Play a card.
  • Attention! It is forbidden to influence a player and make comments during his turn.

Give an information

  • This step allows you to give one or more pieces of information to one of your teammates in order to help them advance in the game.
  • Take a blue token and place it on the playing surface.
  • The information given is about one or more cards that you must clearly point to.
  • A given information must concern:
    – Either a color (Example: you have three green cards here, here and here.)
    – Or a number. (Example: you have two 5 cards here and here.)
  • The information cannot be about the number and the suit at the same time.
  • The information must be complete.
    Example: if the teammate has two 5 cards, you must tell him/her both cards.
  • The player can rearrange his hand to better remember the cards for which he has already received information.
  • When the blue tokens in the lid are exhausted, you can no longer perform this action.

Discard a card

  • Discard a card from your hand in exchange for a new one.
  • The discarded card is placed, face up, near the lid of the box.
  • The new discarded card cannot, of course, be looked at.
  • Discarding a card returns a blue token to the box lid.
  • A player can at any time, look at the discard pile.
  • If all the blue tokens are already in the lid, you cannot perform this action.

Playing a card

  • The player can play one of the cards in his hand.
  • The card is placed, face up, in front of him.
  • The played card can:
    Start or complete a firework display,
    – Not complete a firework.
  • When a card does not complete or start a firework, it is discarded and a red token is placed in the box lid.
  • Any card played is then replaced by drawing a new one.

How do you create a firework display?

  • There is only one color per firework.
  • A firework must be composed of a sequence of 5 cards placed in ascending order.
  • When a player manages to create a firework, he puts 1 blue token back into the lid without having to discard a card.
  • If all the blue tokens are already in the lid, he loses this bonus.

End of the game

  • 3 events can end the game:
    – The fireworkers manage to compose 5 fireworks before the deck is exhausted; they win 25 points.
    The third red token is placed in the lid; the fireworks makers have lost.
    The deck is exhausted. A last round is organized, at the end of which the points are counted.

The score

  • The score of the fireworkers is obtained by adding the highest value of each firework.
    Example : 4 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 4 = 14

Interpretation of the score

  • Based on the score obtained, the team’s performance is evaluated according to the reference scale of the international firework’s federation.
Score obtainedEvaluation of the performance
Below 5Horrible
6 to 10Poor
11 to 15Honorable
16 to 20Excellent
21 to 24Extraordinary


The final bouquet

  • The game does not end when the deck is exhausted.
  • The game continues until all the fireworkers win (5 fireworks) or lose (3 red tokens in the lid)

Timed choreography

The player, before placing a card to achieve a firework, can announce his color.

  • If it is the right color, a blue token is placed on the lid.
  • If it is the wrong color, a red token is placed on the lid and the card is discarded.

Avalanche of colors

  • Add the 5 multi-colored cards to the deck.
  • This is a color in its own right.
  • You must now complete 6 fireworks instead of 5.

The maximum score increases from 25 to 30 for a divine performance.