Perudo is a game of guessing, chance and bluffing. It is an old Peruvian dice game that is played between 2 to 6 players, from 10 years old.
Contents of the Game
- 30 dice of 6 different colors
- 6 cups
- 1 cup lid
- 1 fabric purse
- 1 rule book
Objective and Principle
- Be the last player to have dice by making your opponents lose theirs.
- To do this, in each round, you will estimate the number of dice of the same value on the table.
- Choose a color.
- Take five dice and a cup of that color.
- Place the cup lid in the center of the table. It will serve as a platform for the rolled dice.
- Every player will roll two of their dice. The player with the highest number starts the game.
- Play moves in a clockwise direction.
- All the players roll their dice at the same time. Here is a description of what a round looks like:
- All players lace their dice in the cup and shake it!
- The cups are then placed on the table.
- The players secretly look at the number they rolled, but they should be careful, they must not change the position of the dice.
- The current player will then make a call.
The Call
- The player will call a value and the number of dice that displays this value around the table. (Example: “There are four dice showing 2 around the table.”)
- Note: In some versions of Perudo, the 1s on the dice are replaced by Jokers.
- The Joker is wild and can represent any value.
The Next Player
- The call made by the previous player may be a bluff.
- The next player therefore has two choices:
- Make a better guess
- Either by increasing the value of the dice, (Example: “There are three dice showing 5 around the table.”)
- Or by increasing the number of dice. (Example: “There are five dice showing 2 around the table.”)
- Call “dudo”
- If the next player believes that the previous player is bluffing, they can call out “dudo”.
- All dice are then revealed.
- Jokers and dice with the bid value will be counted.
- If the accusation is correct, the accused player loses 1 die which will be placed under the cup lid.
- If the accusation is false, the accuser loses 1 die.
A New Round
- The player who lost 1 die starts the next round.
- If a player loses all their dice, they are eliminated. In which case, the player on their left will start the next round.
Special Occurrences
Making Calls on the Joker
- It is possible to call the number of Jokers, but under certain conditions:
- Do not make the call during the first round.
- The number of dice called must be at least equal to half the number of dice called the previous round.
Example: Round 1: the call was five dice showing a value of 3 around the table.
Round 2: the call can be that there are three Jokers shown around the table.
Making Another Call on the Joker
- Making a call after the original one on the Jokers can be done in two different ways:
- It can be a higher number of Jokers.
Example: Round 2: “There are three Jokers on the table.”
Round 3: “There are eight Jokers on the table.”
- It can be changed to a call on numbers by calling a number of dice worth double + 1 of the number of Jokers previously called.
Example: Round 2: the call was that there are 3 Jokers on the table.
Round 3: the call can be that there are 7 (i.e. 3 * 2 + 1) dice with a value of 4 on the table.
- A player announces “Palifico” when they have only one die left (because they had two dice the previous round, but then lost their second die, leaving them with only one).
- That player has to make a call.
- During this particular round, the Jokers are not wild, this means that they are considered 1s.
- The called value cannot be changed by other players.
- Any player can announce “Calza”.
- This implies that the last player to make a call is strictly correct.
- All cups are lifted and all dice are revealed.
- If at the end of a Calza it turns out that the player who called “calza” was correct, they can reobtain a die that’s under the cup lid.
- Otherwise, they lose 1 die.