Discover Azul which is a great game of placement and strategy. The rules for this game will be offered below.
In a box of the game Azul, you will find the following elements:
-2 to 4 players
-100 small double-sided tiles with 5 different colors (20 tiles for each color)
– A bag
-4 double-sided game boards (one side with colored grids and one side with gray grids)
-4 small wooden blocks
-A token number 1
-9 small circles also called factories
4 players: use 9 factories
3 players : use 7 factories
2 players : use 5 factories
For this part, we will use the side with colored grids.
- Place the tiles in the bag
- Each player gets a board and places it in front of him/her
- Place the factories in the center of the table so that they form a circle
- Each player takes a wooden cube and places it on their game board in the 0 box
- Choose the player who starts the game and give him/her the token number 1
- This player must take 4 tiles from the bag (without looking in it) and place them on all the factories in the center of the table (4 tiles on each factory)
- He must then place the token number 1 in the center of the factories
- The game follows the clockwise directionGoal of the game
In Azul, each player must do their best to place the tiles in the colored grids on their game board. Each tile placed in a grid earns points at the end of a round. The game ends when a player manages to place 5 tiles in the same colored row first.
How the first round goes - The player who starts the game must select a factory and must take all the tiles of the same
- color that were in it
- The tiles not taken from the same factory are placed in the center with the token number 1
On this picture, you can see that the player has decided to take the 3 black tiles. The yellow tile has been placed in the center of the factories. - This player will then have to place the tiles he has taken on his game board in the center and left box
- He cuts the line of his choice on his board and places the tiles of the same color from right to left
Attention! You must choose a row for tiles of the same color. It is not allowed to place tiles of the same color on different rows. - When a player has finished placing tiles of the same color on the same line, he passes the turn to the next player
- The next player does the same and so on for the other players
– A player may take tiles from the center of the factories (where the token number 1 is located), but if he chooses to do so, he must take all the tiles of the same color and also the token number 1 (he takes the token, only if he is the first player to perform this action). He can place the tiles he took in the same row and then he must place the token in the first square of the board that is at the bottom left (penalty square).
– When there is no more room for tiles of the same color on the same line, the extra tile(s) will be placed in the penalty box
Example: A player has taken 4 yellow tiles from the middle of the factories, but has only one row of 3 squares on his board. He places 3 yellow tiles in the same row and the fourth one will be placed in the bottom left box of the board (penalty box).◊ A player must always take some or a tile of the same color when it is his turn. It is forbidden to pass his turn and not take any. He can choose to place one or more tiles in the same row or in one or more penalty boxes.
◊ The player who took tiles first in the middle of the factories is the only one to take the token number 1 and place it in a penalty box. The players after him may take tiles from this location without, in turn, taking the token
◊ The penalty squares must always be used from left to right
◊ It is allowed for a player to use several lines with tiles of the same color
– When all the players have taken all the tiles and there are none left, you must proceed to the score of the first roundScoring the first round - Count the points when there are no more tiles to take on the factories and in the center of the factories.
- The points are counted from the highest row to the lowest row
- When you have successfully filled a row with tiles of the same color, you may remove all of them and keep only one tile to place in the colored grids
- This tile will be placed in the grid of the same row and in the corresponding color
- Do the same for all the rows that have been filled in
- The removed tiles will be placed in a box as for all other players
- Each tile placed in the colored grid constitutes 1 point
- Move the wooden cube according to the points you accumulate, i.e. to the right
The token number 1 and the tiles in the penalty boxes are negative points, which means that the wooden cube will move to the left according to them (negative points)
Note: When two or more tiles are in contact diagonally or horizontally, this constitutes a bonus.
In this picture, you can see that two tiles are in contact. This gives you a bonus point. The more contact (vertically or horizontally in the same row or column), the more points you In this picture, there will be 4 points for the contact of tiles in a row and 2 points for the contact of tiles in a column.
End of the first round
- The first round ends when all players have finished scoring their respective points
- The next round starts with the player who got the token number 1 (i.e. the one who took tiles from the center of the factories first)
Notes: The rows that have not been filled with tiles will remain as they were for the next round.
Start of the second round - Tiles removed during the scoring will not be used for the next round
- The starting player will take tiles at random from the bag, as in the first round, and must place them in groups of 4 on the factories.
- This round will proceed exactly as in the first round, but each player will have rows of tiles already laid out
- Continue like this, round by round, until one player is the first to fill a line of 5 tiles in the colored grids
Note: When there are no more tiles available in the bag, you can take all the tiles that were removed and place them in the box again.
End of the game
The game ends when a player manages to place 5 tiles in a row in the colored grids.
- A player who manages to fill a whole colored line with 5 tiles wins 2 bonus points
- A player who manages to fill a whole colored column with 5 tiles gets 7 bonus points
- A player who manages to place all tiles of one color in the colored grid gets 10 bonus points
- The player with the most points so far wins the game
When there is a tie between two players, the player who has managed to fill the most rows in the colored grid winsThe game board with the gray grids
When you use this side of the game board, the game proceeds exactly like the colored grid board. The only difference is that you can choose where you want to place your tile on the same line that you have filled. This side of the board will be more difficult compared to the colored grid.