Black side of the Uno Flip Cards

Uno Flip Rules

Uno Flip! is played like the classic Uno, except that every card has two sides: a “light” side and a “dark” side. ddUno Flip! is played with 2 or more players.

Goal of the Game

The objective of the game is the same as the classic Uno. A player has to get rid of all their cards before everyone else to win a round.


Since the deck is two-sided, care must be taken to make sure all the cards are facing the same way when dealt. Each player draws a facedown light card and the one with the highest number goes first (only the number cards are taken into account and not the action cards).

If 2 players have the same card, they will draw again.

Each player must be dealt 7 cards, hiding the light side (light side facing down and dark side facing up), after that, the top card is turned over to start the game. The remaining cards are used as the draw pile.

Start of the Game

The player to the left of the dealer starts the game. As with classic Uno, the starting player must cover the card on the face of the discard pile with a card of the same color, or a similar card of a different color.

If an action card is turned over at the beginning of the game, the first player will undergo the displayed action.

Course of the Game

The game starts in a clockwise direction, from right to left. One by one, each player will have to place a card that has either the same color, same symbol, or same number as the one placed by the previous player.

If you cannot play (and only in this case), you will have to draw a card. If the drawn card is playable, you can decide whether to play it or keep it in your hand and pass your turn.

Uno Flip! Cards

Uno Flip! has 112 cards, each card has two sides. Here are the cards:

Light Side (White Border)

  • 18 cards per color numbered from 1 to 9 (2 of each number)
  • 8 Draw 1 Cards (2 per color)
  • 8 Reverse cards (2 per color)
  • 8 Skip cards (2 per color)
  • 8 Flip cards (2 per color)
  • 4 Wild cards
  • 4 Wild Draw 2 cards

Unlike the classic Uno, Uno Flip! does not have a 0 card.

Dark Side (Black Border)

  • 18 cards per color numbered from 1 to 9 (2 of each number)
  • 8 Draw Five cards (2 per color)
  • 8 Reverse cards (2 per color)
  • 8 Skip Everyone cards (2 per color)
  • 8 Flip cards (2 per color)
  • 4 Wild cards
  • 4 Wild Draw Color cards

Light Side Action Cards

Here are the effects that take place when the action cards of the light side are played:

Draw One Card

  • The next player must draw a card and their turn is skipped.
  • It can only be played on a card of the same color or another Draw One card.
  • If this card is turned over at the start of the game, its effect still takes place.
  • If you place a Draw One card on top of another Draw One, the effect will not stack and you will still need to draw a card.

Reverse card

  • This card changes the direction of play. For example, if the direction of the game was moving clockwise, it must now move counterclockwise.
  • The Reverse card can only be played on a card of the same color or another Reverse card.
  • If turned over at the start of the game, its effect still takes place.
  • In a 2 player game, this card skips the other player’s turn, therefore allowing you to play twice.

Skip Card

  • The next player must skip their turn.
  • Can only be played on a card of the same color or another Skip card.
  • If this card is played at the start of the game, its effect still takes place.

Wild Card

  • When you play this card, you get to decide whether to change the color in play to the color of your choice or keep the same color.
  • This card can be played at any time, even if you have another card you can play.
  • If this card is played at the start of the game, the player to the left of the dealer chooses the starting color and plays the first card.

Wild Draw Two Card

  • A player who places this card gets to choose whether or not to change the color in play and the next player is forced to draw 2 cards and their turn is skipped.
  • This card can only be placed by a player who does not have a card of the color in play.
  • If a player thinks that a Wild Draw Two card has been played against them illegally, they can challenge its player who will then have to show all of their cards to prove that they do not have a card of the color in play.

If the player of the card is found guilty, they will have to draw the 2 cards instead. However, if they’re innocent, then the challenger will have to draw 4 cards instead of just 2:

  • If this card is turned over at the start of the game, the dealer must return it to the center of the draw pile and turn over a different one.
  • If you place a Wild Draw 2 card on top of another Wild Draw 2, the points will not stack and you will still have to draw 2 cards.

Flip Card

  • The game switches from the light side to the dark side. This is done by turning over the draw pile as well as all the cards in the players’ hands.
  • Play continues with the dark side of the cards until another flip card is played.
  • This card can only be played on a card of the same color or another Flip card.

Dark Side Action Cards

Dark cards: Skip card, Reverse card, Draw Five card, Flip card, Wild card, Wild Draw Color card.


The following are the effects that take place when the action cards of the dark side are played:

Skip Everyone Card

  • Skips all of the opponents’ turns, allowing the player who placed it to play again.
  • This card can only be placed on another Skip Everyone card or a card of the same color.

Draw Five Card

  • This card forces the next player to draw 5 cards and skip their turn.
  • Can only be played on a card of the same color or another Draw Five card.

Reverse Card

  • This card changes the direction of play. For example, if the direction of the game was moving clockwise, it must now move counterclockwise.
  • The Reverse card can only be played on a card of the same color or another Reverse card.
  • In a 2 player game, this card skips the other player’s turn, therefore allowing you to play twice.

Wild Card

  • When you play this card, you get to decide whether to change the color in play to the color of your choice or keep the same color.
  • This card can be played at any time, even if you have another card you can play.

Wild Draw Color Card

  • When you play this card you force the next player to draw a card of the color of your choice. They will have to keep drawing until they have a card of that color, their turn is then skipped.
  • This card can only be placed by a player who does not have a card of the color in play.
  • If a player thinks that a Wild Draw Color card has been played against them illegally, they can challenge its player who will then have to show all of their cards to prove that they do not have a card of the color in play.

If the player of the card is found guilty, they will have to draw cards until they have the color they themselves had named (essentially, receiving the effect of the card instead of their opponent). However, if they’re innocent, then the challenger will have to draw until they find the card of the named color (the card’s effect) and then draw 2 additional cards for wrongly accusing the player who’d placed the Wild Draw Color card.

Flip Card

  • The game switches from the dark side to the light side. This is done by turning over the draw pile as well as all the cards in the players’ hands.
  • Play continues with the light side of the cards until another flip card is played.
  • This card can only be played on a card of the same color or another Flip card.

End of a Round

Whether on the light side or the dark side, each player must announce “Uno!” aloud when they have only one card left in their hand. If a player forgets to announce “Uno!” and another player catches them before the next card is played, the player who forgot to say “Uno!” will be penalized by drawing 2 cards.

If the last card played in a round is a Draw One card, a Draw Five card, a Wild Draw Two card, or a Wild Draw Color card, the player who would have played next must still undergo the effects of those cards.

Keeping Score

Points are scored based on the side the game has ended on. For example, if the game ends while playing on the dark side then points are scored based on the dark side of the cards. Here’s how to score points in Uno Flip!:

  • Each Number card tallies as the value of the card (e.g. a “4” card equals 4 points).
  • Draw One card = 10 points.
  • Draw Five card = 20 points.
  • Reverse card = 20 points.
  • Skip card = 20 points.
  • Skip Everyone card = 30 points.
  • Flip card = 20 points.
  • Wild card = 40 points.
  • Wild Draw 2 card = 50 points.
  • Wild Draw Color card = 60 points.

Winning a Game of Uno Flip!

At the end of a round, the values of cards in all the losing opponents’ hands are counted and tallied up as their scores.

The winner is the player with the fewest points.

The game ends when a player reaches a number of points that was agreed upon at the start of the game, for example, 500 points.

When a player reaches 500 points, the game ends and the player with the fewest points is declared the winner.

This also determines who’s in 2nd and 3rd place (the players with second and third fewest points respectively).

Official rules in PDF

Here are the Uno Flip Official Rules in PDF in English.

Alternate Rules

Here are some ideas for alternative rules, do not hesitate to suggest new ones in the comments:

  1. Set a time limit to prevent the game from going on for too long. By the end of that time, the player with the fewest cards in their hands or the fewest values of cards wins the round.
  2. Play in teams: the team of the player who gets rid of their cards first is declared the winner. Score is kept for entire teams and not individual players.
  3. In a team game, if a player cannot play, their teammate can give them a card.
  4. Infinite draw: if a player cannot play, they must draw until they can.
  5. Change the effect of the Skip card so that when a player places it, they give one of their cards to an opponent or that every opponent must draw a card.
  6. Score points based on the values of the card in the hands of all opponents to determine the winner, making the winner the player with the most points.