Lynx is a reflex and observation game. Children can play it from the age of 6. The goal is to spot the image depicted on the card in play on the game board. The first player to place their token on the corresponding image wins the round.
Table of Contents Unshow
- 1 game board with 9 pieces
- 401 cards
- 18 tokens of 6 different colors
- 1 pot
- Assemble the game board.
- Prepare the pot and place the cards in it.
- Deal 3 tokens of the same color to each player.
- Choose a game mode.
Game Mode A
- Choose a game master who can play and deal the cards.
- The game master deals 3 facedown cards to each player.
- Place your cards in front of you, face down.
- Agree on a signal.
- Once all the players are ready, the signal is given and the players can look at their cards.
- Try to spot the images shown on your cards on the game board.
- Place a token of your color on each spotted image.
End of the Round
- As soon as a player spots their 3 images, they announce “Done” and the round ends.
- The players keep the cards whose image they’ve spotted.
- Add the rest of the cards to the pot and shuffle.
- The tokens are returned to their owner.
- 3 new cards are dealt to each player.
- A new round begins.
End of the Game
There are several possibilities:
- As soon as a player collects 25 cards.
- When all the cards have been used, the player who has collected the highest number of cards is declared the winner.
Game mode B
- The game master is not allowed to play.
- Deal a token of a different color to each player.
- The game master draws a card from the pot.
- The card is shown to all players.
- The first player to spot the image and place their token wins the round.
End of the Round
- As soon as a player spots an image and places their token on it, they win the round.
- They win the spotted card and recover their token.
End of the Game
- The first player to collect 15 cards is declared the winner.
- If a player places their token on the wrong image, they must turn over one of the cards they won and the last card in their hand.
- If a player prevents their opponents from seeing the board, they are penalized either by returning one of the cards they have won, or by passing their turn.
Tablet Variation
- Install the free application on your tablet.
- Create a profile.
- Important note: The game is limited to a maximum of 6 players.
- Choose a color among the 6 available ones.
Solo Play
Classic Game
- An image appears on the screen.
- Try to spot it on the set using your tablet’s camera.
- Then you will find out if the images are identical or not.
Surprise game
- In this version, the image that appears on the screen may be blurry, pixelated or fragmented.
Play in teams of 2 to 6 players
Classic game
- An image appears on the screen of each player.
- If they spot it, they must place a token on the corresponding image on the game board.
- They must go to their profile.
- The other players must then check if they have found the image.
Surprise game
- An identical image appears for all players.
- It can be blurry, pixelated or fragmented.
- The first to spot it places a token on the corresponding image on the game board.
- They must then go to its profile.
One for All Game
- An identical image appears for all players.
- The first to spot it places a token on the corresponding image on the game board.
- They must then go to its profile.